Ms. Bradshaw taught me everything I know

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I am like a bird

Have you ever been dumped? Have you ever dumped someone? Which of the two brought you more moral support from those around you? I am guessing it was when you yourself were the dumpie not the dumper.

What happened to me is a common story; boy and boy meet.....have a great time and then life starts giving you options, different paths to go on-- it just so happened that the path I am choosing now does not allow for boyfriends. As I mentioned on my last post I am a nurse and I have been given the opportunity to start to travel as a RN (I am going to think of it as I am a rock star on tour.....who only eats red M&M's and drinks Evian at 42 degrees Fahrenheit) this is a choice that would make it very difficult to have a boyfriend. Yes it is true that I could have a long distance relationship but I know that I would be unable to be successful at it. I would want a boyfriend to experience my daily life with, not to see on the weekends. Make sense? So thats why me and my guy whom I was dating had to part ways :O( I really do feel bad about it. He is a great guy, yet this is just not the time in my life where I can keep up a serious relationship. I wanted to end it now rather than get attached.

Yet when one is bluntly honest about the circumstances in there lives no one ever congratulates you --- "Hey it must have been hard to pass up a great guy! But you have to be true to your path." People don't say, no people will say "Oh you guys broke up ahhh what happened? hmmmm It sounds like your just looking for an excuse not to commit." or better yet "Do you have a problem letting someone in?"

Now on top of the fact that your single again you have to start to question all your interpersonal relationships wondering if indeed you do have problems "letting someone in"

I do know this...when you are dumped people say to you "Your better off alone than with that ass" or "Hell be back" the dumpie never gets questioned about their interpersonal behavior-- no one ever says "You got dumped? Are you a nag or are you too clingy" No when you are the dumpie you only receive sympathy and free drinks from your friends.

Maybe thats because we all know whats it like to get dumped....we all know whats it like to be rejected. And I hope if you do get dumped by someone being "true to their path" you have friends who buy you drinks and tell you how you were the pretty one in the relationship. And yes by the way you can do better ;O)


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