Ms. Bradshaw taught me everything I know

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Its over I am leaving Good bye

YEA A NEW DAY.........(hey that rhymed, Vanilla Ice you better watch your back AM the new white rapper on the rise whatch gots to say bout tat?)

Back to reality.

Do you ever catch yourself watching some stupid show on VH1 and wonder who are the people who sit at home at watch say.....the Fabulous lives of Hollywood's kept men and then it dawns on you....You, YES YOU are the target demographic of people who they want to hook into there show and you are now helpless to view the whole hour of mind numbing television....damm those marketing researchers for knowing what I want to see on the telly. I did see a very cool show on gnosticism on the history channel about Mary Magdalene, cool stuff....basically it says that she was the holy grail because she was carrying Christ's child.

Have you ever had to break up a friendship? This girl who has been my best friend since high school ...lets call her Julia cuz thats her name...always stands me up. I know I know how can she be your best friend if you stands you up but she always has a good excuse and then I feel like an ass for being mad at her. Take the other day- I called her to invite her to my house for vegan burritos and a movie and she told me she would be there, so I went out shopping and even bought some wine.......and then when it came she never even called :O( no message no nothing:O( It really hurt me. But I always feel the need to forgive her and think its my problem and I am being to needy of a friend. The funny thing is I know I would never ever allow that kind of behavior from a guy so why does she have this power over me? Maybe cuz she has the label of best friend so I forgive....but I am really pissed I think I am going to tell her that our friendship is over...but how do you tell your best friend that they should go to hell and loose your phone number? Hmmmm she still has not returned any of my phone calls....and when I do get her on the phone I know what she will say..."Iam sorry I was busy." Dr. Phill says we tell people how to treat us, I guess I have told her that it is okkay for her not to call me....grrrr Iam pissed...I am going to call her now....the phone is ringing......brb... okkay she did not pick up so I left her a message...I wonder when she will call me......grrrr


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