Ms. Bradshaw taught me everything I know

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Today I had a private yoga asana class with Ms. Elizabeth Rogers and we worked on Hanumanasana for my Jivamukti TT. I thought I would share with you the asasa sequence we worked on....Hopefully in a year we will all be doing Hanumanasana with the best of them :O)

Three Sun Sal A
Three Sun Sal B
***both of these are Ashtanga style*****

Utthita/Parvrtti Trikonasana
Utthita Hasta Padajunstasana

*****with the standing poses its important to really work the femur bones working toward one another
***** please keep in mind the opposition of the back femur and the sacrum
***** Opposition of the inner heal (down to the earth, arch up) and and the inner femur pulling up (towards the pelvic floor or in yogic terms towards muladhara chakra)

Now your ready to start on splits

Hanumanasana - standing using the wall----this looks like your in down dog splits yet please keep the hips square while lifting the upper leg up. As you lift the upper leg press the lower led that your standing on into the earth while remembering the inward rotation of the femur bone.

Hanumanasana- front leg on the wall pressing the heal into the wall. Please be mindful of the inward rotation of the femur....With the back leg bent, toe knee the foot behind you, there is really no other way to describe it...ya just gotta do it. Once you feel that your at your limit do your self a favor and keep your hips square (as much as possible) while being mindful of the the slight twist that is occurring in your rib cage on the side of your back leg. Once your in position use blocks to prop yourself up and breath finding your bliss.....

This pose is a backbend, forward bend, and twist.....A lot is going on......

more links that might help you


Have faith in your breath, your ability, and yourself and the pose will open up slowly :O)

Have fun and offer your efforts back to God and the Sutras and the Gita have suggested.


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