Your perfect, your amazing, your one flaw is that you care too much....ahhhh we all love flattery and admiration. Its like a drug the more we get the more we want. I wish I could make a patch or gum that gave off the same feeling that we get when we are complimented. I think it probably all comes from wanting acceptance yet that is another blog.
Has anyone ever said something that was so dead on about your personality that you were struck dumbfounded and were unable to muenster up a sassy comeback? That happened to me twice this week. When the words first hit me it was like someone punched me in the stomach and kept running. I knew that I had a choice, I could listen to what they were saying and accept it --- or respond with the ever so popular response on the playground of "so thats what you think."
But how do we recognize these interactions with other people when they hold up a mirror and the image is less than flattering? Are we to accept everything that comes our way changing and molding until we no longer receive any negative feed back?
This is were we must return to the Tao of the playground -- "so thats what you think." Do we care what this person thinks? Should we care what this person thinks? Or should we simply give them the bird?
In my case this feed back came from two people who I deeply admire. I was at first hurt that they were so blunt and wanted to curl into a little ball and tell them to stop being mean. But then I investigated their comments and realized that they were not said out of spite yet out of a place of observation of inconsistencies between my behavior and my ideas. So thank you, thank you for caring about me enough to tell me the truth even if is not always favorable (but the answer is always "you look great" if i ask you if i look fat).
However my dear readers (aka Ms Love and Madge) if the person in question is a mean cunt then feel free to bust a cap in there bitch ass for dis-in you:O)
OH I used to think I was clever and witty until all my fan mail telling me that cuz I posted lyrics to a song I must be a 16 year old wanna be. So I do promise I shall never ever put lyrics on my blog -- unless I am making fun of them....Paris anyone. Anywho this 16 year old is going to go get his black trench coat out of the dry cleaners so I can listen to the Clash.....maybe I ll put black finger nail polish on today to express my pain......ohhh I just found a chip in my couch so I guess life is not all bad :O)
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