Ms. Bradshaw taught me everything I know

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

People make me giggle, really they do. Especially if your name is Ann Coulter and those who fear her. Why are people so scared of her? Why do people put her in such high esteem? These things baffle me. She is a very intelligent woman but she is not a reporter, she has a very sharp mind yet I would not even really call her a political commentator -- what she has become is a polarizing agent who capitalizes on people who want someone with a fancy education to validate their own point of view. Some people would argue what in fact she is a political commentator, yet I disagree; a political commentator / pundit looks at both sides of the coin and offers a view. What Ms. Colture has done very successfully is shout her views (?I honestly don't even think they are her true values?) very loudly and FOX news listens with breath held. Another thing bugs me.....that's American Fundamentalism.....What America is a Fundamentalist state? Well in a way yes. We are capitalist fundamentalists. We want it. If we have enough money we believe we are entitled to own, buy or sell anything no matter the cost of it on others (I say this as I type from Starbucks....)Where is the heart in this country where we send soldiers to war so unequipped that we have ...errr had...charities who specialize in upgrading soldiers protective gear. Where is the heart of our Christian President who cuts programs that benefit the poor, and under served. I think its kinda ironic that we are a country fighting for democracy abroad yet in our own country we are mocked as UN-American when we question the motives of our government. Oh well.....until we all reach enlightenment all we can do is bitch I guess.....or at the very least vote.


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