Ms. Bradshaw taught me everything I know

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cross the US of A

Cross The US or A

So here I am in my apartment in San Fran....been here a week......who wants stories????

So I guess I will start at the beginning, a very good place to start. When you read you begin with ABC and when you sing you start with Do, Ray, Me....hmmmm sorry I am getting my life confused with Julie Andrews again....guess I can take off the drapes now....

Well it took me 3 days to drive from Atlanta to San Fran. I stopped in Oklahoma and Arizona. Oklahoma was beautiful but it seemed as soon as I crossed over the state line I hit the deserts of Texas...which were not very nice. Oh another thing that really struck me was how fat America is.....everyone was drinking a Big Gulp with a Twinkie in their hands. I promised myself that the second I got to Cali I would join a gym...and I did (well maybe not the second...after all the Castro was calling, but I will get to that later.)

I know San Fran is going to be an amazing experience cuz when I was driving across New Mexico I saw several shooting stars:O) And a lot of casinos! So I don't think I will be investing in my IRA....gonna bet it all on black, no red....hmmm will have to take that one to a psychic.

Arizona was scary to drive through.....a blinding sun and desert mountains, not ideal driving conditions. Plus I was worried that the sun would give me a nasty burn. Not sure if you can get sunburned via a car but just in case I was lathering up in SPF 50 every hour.....So two days in a car and SPF caked on my skin left me with an amazingly fresh smell. To tell you the truth I was making myself nauseous.

California is composed of different land scapes and it took me about 10 hours to drive across it to get to San Fran. The first land scape is bleak desert. NOTHING was there. Every once and awhile I would see a small little community of trailers and started to wonder about there local cultures. I wondered who was the 'rich' person in the TP (short hand for trailer park.)Did they have drapes? Maybe they hand an entire Tupperware set, or perhaps they had an actual water bed along with the 'clapper' so they did not have to get up and turn on the light. But it would make the most sense if the richest person would have the most cars in the front yard -- you know assets.

The second landscape are the mountains. They were beautiful, green and lush with fog. It was scary to drive down steep hills. I guess people could tell I was an out-of-towner cuz I was going only 20 miles an hour clutching the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white. Others wanted to race death and zipped down the mountains going well pass the speed limit giving me the finger.

The third is farm land....I learned that when you pass a citrus farm the air smells amazing. Kindda like natures air freshener. That's something you don't know unless you have driven cross country :P)

more later.......

Next first Castro visit.......


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