New City same Guy

New City same Guy
After three days in the car - I had finally arrived to the promise land. I had found my way to San Francisco. A rational person would take a moment to find their way to the grocery store, and bank -- get time to become acquainted with the city. A person who self reflects would take a moment to savor the change in their life. I however went out drinking. I got on the BART and went to the Castro.
When I arrived to the Castro I was greeted with several homeless people asking for money --- I am not sure if it was the smell of urine of their clothes or the odor of beer on their breath but I felt as if I had arrived at home. (at least for now)
After wondering the streets I had begin to grow very self conscious and shy. What was I dong? I had moved across country and knew no one in this city. I was about to go home with my tail between my legs when I thought to myself --- "what would Carrie do" and my answer came. I would go to bar and flirt with strange men then stumble home with my self esteem intact.
Standing in the bar I waited in line-- then someone cut in front of me. Usually this would bring out my IBWWA (inner black woman with attitude) but I thought to let it slide. I begin to scan the room when the stranger started to talk --- 'I am a history professor' he told a random. That sparked my interest. So I gave him the a quick look up and down. A blazer, loafers. pleated pants, and a leather bag that he was guarding with dear life.
"Whats up with that bag? Are you the gay Mary Poppins?
And with that cleaver conversation followed along with drinks with vodka. I had found a new friend.
His name is Justin. We had Thanksgiving together and saw Kathy Griffin.
Maybe the homeless people are a bit scary, and perhaps I am in a new time zone. But I have a feeling as long as I can share a laugh with someone I'll be ok.
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