Ms. Bradshaw taught me everything I know

Monday, March 05, 2007



Gee, U, R, U --- basically what it means. You are who you are looking for, the answer is in you. Well why then do you need a teacher if its already in you to begin with? Because you are ignorant. No joke. If you (us, we I.......whatever pronoun you wish to use) were already enlightened then you would not be seeking truth but be content in your life. Yet this is not the case, I am (we are, they are.....) seeking truth which will allow me (us) to be be a more compassionate person.

Recently I have fount a new Guru in a 15 year old girl. At first sight she would hardly be considered a holy being, she eats meat, laughs at ugly people and has become an expert at rolling her eyes when you ask her a simple question. It is in her blunt nature which challenges me to show compassion. I choose not to react to her callus comments, and discontent for my general yet respond with kindness to her reactions.

As I mentioned a Guru shows you that G, U, R, U, so in a very real way I am really witnessing a side of myself. I could pretend it did not exist, yet that would not serve me in my quest for liberation . So all I can really do is smile, breath and make a choice to respond than react. I can only show her the compassion and that I wish some one had show me when I was her age. My efforts are in vain and she will call me 'weird' as she usually does --- yet I find refuge in the Buddhist teaching that "a student can become enlightened even if the teacher is not."

Guess I shall go do the spiritual practice and ask her if she wants to watch Mean Girls......

Ciao Bella


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