Giving out Candy and Ass Kicking....all out of Candy
Giving Out Candy and Ass Kicking.....all out of Candy
Time Magazine recently published an article about Mary Cheney and her unborn child. It was a well written article by James C. Dobson. When I say well written I mean to describe the lack of grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. I doubt it would have any red marks if he turned it in as a high school essay (unlike my own grasp of the written word)
This being said I must blog how the article moved me errr inspired me to write a response.
Dr. Dobson argues that gay parenting has nothing to do with politics, but "what kind of family environment is best for the health and development of children, and by extension, the nation at large." Already he has a faulty argument. How can you claim gay parenting has nothing to do with politics if you feel that it will have negative effect on the children who will grow to become citizens. I imagine Dr. Dobson thinks that a gay family environment holds the seeds of self destruction, which will in turn destroy our nation at large. Obviously he views the family unit as a microcosm for America --- the proud 'melting pot' of of the world. Our we not a country that embraces differences. Perhaps the only differences we pretend to accept are ethnicity.....that's fine as long as you say so - I can play make believe with the best of them.
"Thirty years of social-science evidence indicated that children do best on every measure of well-being wen raised by their married mother and father." I love sentences that simply explain "scientific" research in convent bite size pieces.......My parents cut my meat in bite size pieces ...and here Dr. Dobson is doing the same......I want a sippy cup too please :O)
"The two most loving women in the world cannot provide a daddy for the little boy - anymore than the two most loving men can be complete role models for a little girl." I really hate these kind of arguments that like to state something obvious --- ie the child wont have a father---rather than focusing on what weaknesses that are built into gay relationships why don't we focus in on the strengths? Guess it would not help the argument that gay people are bad and unfit to be parents. Does Dr. Dobson honestly believe that if you are raised by gay parents you have no interaction with the opposite sex?
"Fact remains that gender matters- perhaps nowhere more than in regard to child rearing." Dr. Dobson, who has a PhD in child development, has one keystone in his argument...gender.....that different sexes parent children differently. I hate to remind Dr. Dobson that one of the founding fathers of his field, Erik Erikson, theorizes that it is the knowledge of having trust in your environment that allows an individual to mature and become fully realized. Not the knowledge that you know how to throw a football or paint your nails.
"Isn't there something in our hearts that tells us, intuitively, that children need a mother and father." ------ummmm maybe my heart is broken but no......but then again I am gay.....I don't have a heart...maybe I do...but its not the same as a straight persons heart. Its kind of deformed...liked the Grinche's.
"birth and adoption are the purview of married heterosexual couples" So for the safety and good of children everywhere, all the orphans who are starving in the world cant be adopted by David and Jim. That would confuse the children and tear down the moral fiber of our country....sorry kid, hope the hunger pains are not too bad, but it's for your own good. As the Soup Nazi would say "no soup for you."
"Traditional marriage is God's design for the family ans is rooted in biblical truth." If we look to the bible rather than logic to answer our modern day plights we must investigate other hot topics like slavery, the right to stone a raped woman. Consistency is the key to debating and parenting. I think Dr. Dobson would agree with me. So lets apply the same principals to all gray areas --- not just the ones that let you win the argument :O)
So lets learn from Dr. Dobson's example --- let me paraphrase a 1000 page book and apply it to all situations and walks of life:
From the book of Matthew "'For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you took care of me and God replied, "Whatever you did for the least of my brothers... you did it to me."
Wonder now if its okay for gays to adopt, and love children and bring them into a loving family.......wish I knew the answer but I am fag so actually reading the words of scripture burn my eyes.
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